Guide to Self-Care

What is Self-Care? Is it just taking time for a workout every day or being pampered with a massage? How do I practice self-care with a busy schedule? Main categories of self-care are emotional, physical, spiritual, and social well-being. Self-care is not being selfish, it is about taking care of you so that you can show up in your daily life as the healthiest version of you. Self-care should be a priority in your daily life, not something that gets tended to when there is leftover time because often times it won’t happen then. Self-care was defined by Dr. Beth Frates at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston as “working toward a healthy body, peaceful mind and joyful heart”.

So, how do we achieve this balance? Every day may look different since many of us lead busy lives. The key is that you will need to create a self-care plan that works for you, each person’s plan will look different and will be tailored to them. It is important to prioritize the things that are most important to you. Based on each category, you can ask yourself - “What do I need in each of the categories to bring me joy?” Then, you may need to actually schedule it into your day by time and/or reminders on your phone, so that you stop and give yourself that self-care daily. Each category of self-care may not be achieved daily however, a good goal may be to strive for implementing all categories weekly.

Once you know what your priorities are and what’s most important to you, it will be easier to say no to things that are not in line with that. Self-care must be filled with things you enjoy!

Why is self-care important?

Having an effective self-care routine has been shown to have many health benefits, such as:

  • Reducing anxiety & depression

  • Reducing stress & improving resilience

  • Improving happiness

  • Increasing energy

  • Reducing burnout

  • Stronger interpersonal relationships

Categories of Self-Care:

Physical -

What ways do you move your body that brings you happiness? A general guideline is to achieve 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity exercise.

  • Examples: dancing, yoga, hiking, biking, running, playing a sport, walking the dog, running around playing tag with your kids

  • Eating nutritious rich meals

  • Hydrating - Fluids can come in the form of water, other beverages and food. On a general note, women should have about 11 cups of fluids a day and men should aim for about 15 cups.

  • Sleep - aiming for 7-9 hours of sleep daily on a consistent basis can fuel so many areas of your life from physical wellness to emotional well being.

Emotional -

Striving for a peaceful mind can positively affect well being in all areas of your life. “When it comes to your mental health, self-care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy.”

  • Evidence-based ways to help you relax and reduce stress range from forest bathing – a walk in nature – to exercise, meditation, yoga, or listening to music that you enjoy. There are simple things like deep breathing – a long inhalation and then a long exhalation. Taking a timeout in your day to take 10 deep breaths ­– that's self-care.”

  • Gratitude - vocally expressing gratitude and/or journaling about it can enhance your well-being

  • Make a list of all the things you accomplished for the day, stay focused and mindful about these things. And, do not focus on the things that were not done in the day.

  • Positive thinking - fill your mind daily with positive thoughts and be aware of negative thoughts taking over

  • Talk therapy - always a great idea to have an objective professional that you can process your emotions with

Spiritual -

  • Prayer or attending a religious service, developing a deeper connection to a higher power and expressing gratitude through prayer.

  • For some, spirituality is not connected to religion, it is finding a deeper sense of meaning. So, maybe it is practicing meditation or sitting silent in nature.

Social -

Connection with others is important since we were not created to do life alone.

  • Calling a friend on a regular basis, meeting a friend for coffee or a walk, are ways to create closeness with others. Making time for face-to-face connection is important too because there may be an opportunity for a hug which helps to raise oxytocin, feel good hormone.

To get started with a self-care routine:

  1. Determine which activities bring you joy, replenish your energy, and restore your balance.

  2. Start small by choosing one behavior you’d like to incorporate into your routine in the next week.

  3. Build up to practicing that behavior every day for one week.

  4. Reflect on how you feel.

  5. Add more practices when ready.

  6. Get support through sharing practices from loved ones, a coach, a licensed professional (like a therapist or dietitian), or through your healthcare plan, community, or workplace.

This may seem overwhelming if you do not have a self-care plan in place. So, take it slow and implement one piece of self-care at a time. Self-care does not always mean expensive pampering. I mean, sure, if your budget can manage getting monthly or weekly massages then, go for it! However, make a plan of ways that you can implement simple and effective methods of daily self-care to reap the most for your overall well-being.


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